The Ins And Outs Of Family Mediation

In the world of relationships divorce and separation stands as two of the most distressing times a couple can go through. Whether it’s custody of the children of the division of co-finances, it is a situation that goes from upsetting to stressful in a short space of time. Quite apart from issues regarding children, dividing family assets such as pensions, bank accounts, property and cars will need to addressed, but most will be left scratching their heads at where to start. This can be made much worse when there is a poor level or break down of communication between spouses. When this is the case family mediation is often the answer and in these cases you should consult Milton Keynes family mediators

Family mediation

Divorce is often tempestuous when handled via court proceedings; family mediation provides a calm arena in which serious issues involved in divorce can be discussed. It presents a way for spouses to iron out both big and small issues without the need for escalating court bills. An independent mediator [than though not always a jointly qualified lawyer/mediator] or Wiltshire family mediators will present topics for discussion in a non-confrontational manner, reducing hostility between the spouses in the process. Talks are advised to be open and honest; all while reaching decisions that don’t cause unnecessary upset and unrest. Before beginning the mediation process a mediator will inform the participants of the general legal position, but is not in a position to give any form of legal advice. Remember that anything said during the process is not legally binding and thus cannot be used as evidence in court. At its heart, mediation is used to come to amicable decisions between spouses without the legal rigmarole of fully-fledged court based hearings.

Advantages of using mediation

One of the key upsides of mediation is speed, as depending on what a couple needs to thrash out, it can be far quicker than court based proceedings. Some couples may take one or two meetings, others five or more, but however long it takes you can expect mediation to deal with matters swiftly and effectively with Northampton collaborative law.

Mediation also has a certain therapeutic element to it as well, as couples will be talking out their issues via a means that doesn’t heavily rely on legal representatives. Other forms of divorce resolution can be harsh, temperamental and impersonal, while allowing others not familiar with your situation to decide on what happens to your finances and quite possibly your children as well. In this many instances mediation can be similar to couples counseling sessions, as it becomes a means to work through your relationship issues to reach an agreeable conclusion. Children can benefit knowing that their parents were able to get along during proceedings and that the decisions made were mutual, not a case of one spouse forcing a decision upon the other. It can serve as a way to reduce bitterness between partners and establish a functioning relationship between two people moving forward, even if it is only for the children.

Mediation can speed up a divorce overall they may end up paying less that expected. Research doesn’t lie and when the government questioned those who had undertaken mediation they found that those involved on average saved both time and money.

Disadvantages of mediation

The biggest concern when choosing mediation is the cost involved, especially if the amount of sessions involved rack up. However, the truth is that in the long run the process will save you money, even if doesn’t immediately seem that way. It sidesteps length court battles (that can take years) and very expensive court hearings that become an ever constant in such circumstance. For some having to meet up with a soon be ex-partner may actually be too much to bear and provide a heavy emotional strain. Such is par for the course with mediation, but remember it is better for both spouses in the long run and can be a big step towards moving past such an emotional roadblock.

Further information

When deciding that mediation is the right avenue to take in your divorce you will need to appoint a mediator to handle your case. You will need to choose between a hybrid lawyer/mediator and a stand-alone family mediator. In most cases it is advised that you opt for one that is a jointly qualified law mediator, as they will have more experience in the practical elements of mediation and the legal ramifications of any outcomes reached.

Salisbury family mediation is the perfect way to enter a divorce and immediately get past the awkwardness that it can often present. It allows those involved to address their issues in an environment that is both calm and civil, in order to create an outcome that will allow both parties to move on with their lives. Remember, it can only work if both sides enter the process with patience and an open mind, but if this is the case then there are plenty of benefits to gain. Whether it is reaching an amicable decision without the need for court action, saving money on costly fees, or showing your offspring that you can still be amicable with your spouse, family mediation should be a viable option to resolve your divorce.